"Año del Bicentenario, de la consolidación de nuestra Independencia, y de la conmemoración de las heroicas batallas de Junín y Ayacucho"





On August 3, 1821, by means of a Decree granted by Don José de San Martín, Protector of Peru, the Ministry of Treasury was established.


By Legal Decree Nº 17521, dated March 2, 1969, the Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Treasury was approved, which established the structure and functions of the Ministry of Treasury. By Legal Decree Nº 22196, dated May 30, 1978, the Organizational Structure was modified.


By Legal Decree Nº 17703, dated June 13, 1969, the name Ministry of Treasury was changed to Ministry of Economy and Finance.


By Legal Decree Nº 23123, dated July 9, 1980, the name Ministry of Economy, Finance and Trade was established when the State Secretariat of Trade of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Integration, and Foreign Trade Negotiations, was incorporated.


By Legal Decree Nº 325, dated January 30, 1985, the name Ministry of Economy, Finance and Trade was modified to Ministry of Economy and Finance.


As a result of the application of Supreme Decree Nº004-91-PCM, which put all Public Entities into reorganization, a new organizational structure of the Ministry of Economy and Finance was approved by Ministerial Resolution Nº 455-91-EF/43, dated November 28, 1991.


A new Functions and Organization Manual was approved by Ministerial Resolution Nº 092-EF/43 dated March 6, 1992.


According to the modifications in the corresponding regulations, the current Functions and Organization Manual of the Ministry of Economy and Finance was approved by means of Vice Ministerial Resolution Nº148-99-EF/13.03, dated November 15, 1999, and amended by Vice Ministerial Resolution Nº 108-2000-EF/13.